The Zombie Apocalpyse is (a
already here.
Michael Hunter, a government witness in a federal trial of five current or former officers, said he was shocked when Sgt. Kenneth Bowen leaned over a concrete barrier and fired an assault rifle at several people who had been shot by police on the Danziger Bridge less than a week after the 2005 hurricane struck. Read below... -SOURCE: /via AP
The Katrina Files - the aftermath
of hurricane Katrina in New Orleans was one of the worst modern
crisis/survival scenarios. With bodies in the streets, woeful
government repsonse, rouge bands of cops driving around town
in pickup trucks, looting and violence, it was surreally and
sadly similar to what we've seen in a zombie movie.
The Katrina Files are "zombtac-related" (survival/crisis-situation) documented accounts of events in New Orleans that happened.