The Walking Dead 213 "Beside The Dying Fire"
>Zombtac's The Walking Dead HQs, all the episodes, news, more... Rick and Carl return from the woods to find the farm in jeopardy. The group is split up in the ensuing chaos. With things looking grim, Ricks leadership is questioned. Ok. that was a great finale to a wavering season. From the first
sequence of the horde all the way to the cut to the prison. - The end cut to the Prison (Spoiler - highlight the white text):
We know the governor is also coming, as
the big bad for next season, and I love how this episode is setting
up season 3).
NITPICKS: - Don't like the way Maggie neutered Glenn this season, and I
could do without the forced "I love you Maggie" drama.
It doesn't bring anything to the table and makes both characters
less appealing. QUOTABLE:
Daryl: "I saw his taillights all over the read. Figured
he had to be Asian driving like that."
The GDC employs nearly 13,000 people. Katana. The katana is one of the traditional Japanese swords (nihonto) worn by the samurai class of feudal Japan, also commonly referred to as a "samurai sword" The katana is characterized by its distinctive appearance: a curved, slender, single edged blade, circular or squared guard, and long grip to accommodate two hands.It has historically been associated with the samurai of feudal Japan, and has become renowned for its sharpness and cutting ability. After the blade is forged it is then sent to be polished. The
polishing takes between one and three weeks. The polisher uses
finer and finer grains of polishing stones until the blade has
a mirror finish in a process called glazing. This makes the blade
extremely sharp and reduces drag, making it easier to cut with.
The blade curvature also adds to the cutting power.