The Walking Dead 301 "Seed"
> Zombtac's The Walking Dead HQs, all the episodes, news, more... With the world growing increasingly more dangerous and Lori's pregnancy advancing, Rick discovers a potentially safe haven. But first he must secure the premises, pushing his group to its limit.
"I'm doing stuff, Lori! Things!" - Rick Grimes So the gangs looking haggard and they're on the run, apparantly
spending the summer running from house ot house and we see them
clearing such a house in the introductory sequence. Good start
right with some action. (AMC: I love comic books and Keving Smith but man this show they
are pushing blows, what a waste of an post-The Walking Dead time
slot.) Rick sees the prison and he liikes it. "It's perfect...if we can shut the gate." Check out that look on Mr. Grimes face. "It's perfect. I we can shut that gate." Note: In the prison yard campfire, the gang uses an old metal fan as a bbq grille on the fireplace. Rick: "Weapons, Food, Medicine. This place could be a goldmine".
Don't know about the caribiners and chain method of locking the fence gates, especially when locking them onto the chain link part of the fence. Michonne is nursing Andrea in the "Deer Locker". Besides being darkly bad-ass, her leashed zombies serve as mules, carrying her packs for her. I love it! So Lori brought up the "what if it's a zombie baby"
scenario to Herschel. The prison labyrinth search is flawed on a few levels so I'll discuss it here rather than in the nitpicks section. It somewhat counters the first half of the episode where the gang, was functioning as a well-oiled machine with a much higher survival IQ (presumably learned over the winter, with the Rictator in charge). This new found competence was a nice contrast to the inpetness of the group on the farm last season. However, we take a step back again here. It is poor planning putting you eggs in one basket especially going into a potentially dangerous and unknown situation. There is no need to bring an older man, who is the one person with medical knowledge in the group with you. There's also many more prudent (although less exciting for TV) methods for checking the rest of the prison/tunnels. Luring zombies, as scene earlier in the episode, etc. would be far safer and more effective than having a roaming search party. I guess we'll just chalk this one up to TV style over substance, but it's noticeable epsecially since the episode began with more practical and careful procedure (which is what we were hoping from the gang on the heels of season's two snarky criticsms of how stupid or useless they were). So anyway, Herschel gets bit in the tunnels. And Rick chops his
leg off. And they turn around and find a pack of human survivors
(presumably prisoners) staring back at them! A solid start to the season, even though the first episode was more of a set up introducting the prison, and a peek of Michonne, it also did a good job showing the mental state and evolution of the group (i.e Rick's new passive stance to Lori. Herchel's new resignated state, Carl growing up, everyone hardening over the winter, etc.). Full Episode of The Walking Dead Season 1 Premiere (3.01): Related The Walking Dead 3.01 "Seed" Videos: The Cast on Season 3: Inside The Walking Dead (AMC Webisode) The Making of 3.01, Seed. Inside The Walking Dead (AMC Webisode) Episode
3.01 Bonus Segment : The Talking Dead
NITPICKS: The smell in the poorly ventilated confined prison would surely
make kids gag. And a pregnant Lori? - . QUOTABLE:
"It's perfect...if we can close the gate" - Rick
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